Friday 20 June 2014

How I will set out my 'Hairstyle' Blog posts

This post will be short but sweet.
I will just be explaining how I will be setting out my future blog posts for hairstyles that I do.

There will always be pictures hehe

1-The tools I used to create the hairstyle
2-The hairstyles progress throughout

In the post I will explain each step as clearly as possible and hopefully the pictures will help explain each step by step process.

Some hairstyles I will do will be inspired by other hairstylists, either I will have kept it as the original hairstyle I've seen or I will add my own little twist to it. If it sounds slightly confusing now hopefully when I start posting these posts you will have a better understanding of what I am trying to say.

I will not take credit for the hairstyles I have only recreated, I will certainly put up their original picture and try to provide a link to some social network where their work is published. I will only take credit for what I have done that is different from the original or a hairstyle I have come up with.

And finally, I love you all. Thank-you for coming by and taking your time to look at my blog.

New posts will be up soon.
Once again if you have an questions you would like to ask, please don't hesitate in contacting me. You can do so my visiting my contact page on my blog and using which ever method suites you best.
See you all soon!